舊 04-19-2009, 10:13 PM
黃鎮參 黃鎮參 目前離線
註冊日期: May 2002
文章: 1,252
黃鎮參 正在向一條出名的路上前進,路途艱辛,看他的了!

作者: 黃鎮參 查看文章
聊點國際鴿事, 為國際賽熱身.

荷蘭鴿訊: Steven van Breeman

The distance was short 160 kms but clear blue sky and severe headwind. When birds drop ok from such a race then I'm happy and know it is ok. Of 40 sent 26 are long distance birds not really being able to compete for the toppositions.

比賽距離160公里, 晴空萬里,但是強烈逆風. 碰到這樣的天氣, 我知道會贏(上個電郵告訴我他拿到俱樂部冠軍,我問他些細節,這是他的回覆). 我送了40隻參加, 其中26隻是長距離鴿訓練用的,這26隻沒法贏得獎項. 荷蘭的記錄鴿參加數動則3-4,000 隻就是這樣來的, 比賽鴿加訓練鴿. 訓練鴿列入參加數計算, 卻不列入名次.

The past winter I made the decision to go back to dayracing the type of races I competed in 8 years ago. I have put my best youngsters of last year in the stockloft in order to breed for this year a big team of youngsters so I can have a fresh top quality team for next year.

去年冬天, 我決定回頭參加當日賽, 我八年前最擅長的項目. 為了今年作出一大票幼鴿以便明年有批生力軍,我把舍內去年最好的幼鴿送入種鴿舍增產報國.

Club has 25 members that entered 500 birds.

俱樂部有25位會員, 實際參加數約500.

Met sportieve groet, yours in the sport,
Steven van Breeman

過去以養迪斯美特馬太司系為主. 有一段時間戰績輝煌,炙手可熱,後來投入國際公棚活動,著書,辦雜誌. 養鴿就荒廢了. 現在回頭是岸 ,從新專心投入鴿賽.

與它恢復聯繫, 一方面是黃氏認證國際公棚賽的準備工作之一, 另一方面實況轉播, 看一位荷蘭名家如何在中落之後重新站起.


Dear Steve,


It is not much special yet but it is a small start.

剛重新起步, 沒什麼太特別值得提的戰績.

I have to rebuild the old family and find good crosses;

我必須重建老血系, 同時引進好鴿來雜交.

I think I have found one with almost pure Janssen.

我想, 我已經找到幾乎純種的詹森來提升我的老血統.

Last year I bred from this combination a young hen that won the club 5 times and another hen to win the combine from 500 kms.

去年, 我從這樣的雜交作育了一隻五次具樂部冠軍. 另一隻母鴿贏得聯合會500公里的冠軍.

As my family and that Janssen line breed many hens I'm experimenting now with double widowhood with the distance hens and so far it goes ok.

這老系與詹森雜交出很多母鴿. 我現在正做一個雙鰥夫制的試驗.(搞不懂他說的"雙鰥夫制,回信問他去).

When I can get the loft and system to work well I can use the best yearling dayrace hens. Then it will work much better as you cannot compete with distance racers against dayracers.

如此一來,當鴿舍與管理法制都納入正軌之後, 我就可以用快速的當日賽母鴿來投入戰局. 終究用

We count 10 mins off for every 1 hour of flying and they dropped yesterday fro 2:04 flying over 160 kms within 20 mins of the winner so that is very good for them.

(以上這段話不知在說什麼東東, 問清楚後再潑文上來).

您有什麼問題要問這位"大輸級" 的名家嗎?

我可以代轉. 如果大家有興趣, 我還可以多找幾個"歐洲仔"來互動互動.