舊 04-20-2009, 07:50 AM
黃鎮參 黃鎮參 目前離線
註冊日期: May 2002
文章: 1,252
黃鎮參 正在向一條出名的路上前進,路途艱辛,看他的了!
預設 從短程訓練看長程鴿表現


Steven van Breeman 來文解釋如下:

We have to understand if the long distance birds are in good condition.

因為想了解我們的長程(距離)賽鴿是否處於好的狀態, 因此, 把它們與短程鴿一齊參加短距離訓練.

If the winner of a race arrives 14:00 and has flown 2 hours then the first distance birds start to arrive normally after 14:20.

一般來說, 如果短距離比賽的冠軍鴿在下午兩點回來, 第一隻長程鴿到達的時間大約是兩點二十分.

If they do before that it is very good for them. If after 20-25 mins it is also good. If after 1 hour something is wrong.

如果長程鴿與短程冠軍鴿到達的時間差在20分內. 這隻長程鴿應該是在非常好的狀態. 如果時間差在20-25分可以接受, 如果時間差甚至到60分鐘, 則這隻長程鴿的狀態就有問題.

It is a way og technical testing. A measurement to help understand form and condition as they never can compete with dayracers or sprinters.

這是一種從短距離賽(或訓練)中去了解長程鴿是否能勝任未來的長程賽的一種方法. 我們很清楚, 長距離(隔日賽)鴿要與短程鴿或當日賽鴿爭勝是很難的.


Remarks by translator:

*現在更可以理解, 為何荷蘭的短程賽為何有那麼高的參賽數. 據了解, 短程參賽如果要爭名次與純訓練鴿收費是不同的(前高,後低).

It is now easier to understand why a short distance race would gather that high entry number, as the distance pigeon entered into short distance race are also counted as entry number, and they actually is not clocked, but just to learn if they are in good condition.

*這樣的評量方式是否對海上競翔插組有幫助? 因為我們是當日賽, 短程訓練時, 要插暗組, 是否可以選老是在見鳥10分鐘內歸返的鴿子, 既穩又不慢, 您覺得如何?

Just wonder if such way of assessment on form of long distance can be applied to our sea race, which is ended always the same day, may be we can shorten the gap to 10 minutes from 20 minutes, for measurement if our pooling pigeon is in good condition.

*我來問問Steven, 如果長程鴿(暗組頭)狀況不好,有什麼好法子來處理?


此篇文章於 04-20-2009 08:01 AM 被 黃鎮參 編輯。