舊 01-09-2006, 01:12 PM
bluewave bluewave 目前離線
註冊日期: Jul 2004
文章: 466
bluewave 正在向一條出名的路上前進,路途艱辛,看他的了!
預設 【原創】寫信給國外賽鴿強豪

最近把九十萬定存解約,準備從歐洲引入新血輪,禽流感沒關係,先轉到非疫區,再從非疫區進口.有鴿友要代辦進口的嗎? 以下是今天寄給國外某知名強豪的原文,英文不太好,錯誤很多,請包涵!

Dear Sir:

I am very glad to write you this E-mail. My name is Cone, who live in Kaohsiuang that located in the south of Taiwan. Its goes without saying that I am also a pigeon-racer. Since my childhood, I had been very interested in the pigeon-racing activity.The activity not only my favorite amusement but also my occupation even my whole life.

I am a down-home and killer instinct man, so I train austerely about my pigeons. Come back to the subject, my pigeon-system was formed from sion,Andre Vanbruaene,Janssen,and so on. I would like to import some other top pigeons in order to face the tough competition with many excellent competitors in Taiwan.

You are a famous expert in the field of pigeon-racing. I also heard many friends told me before, and its not only compliment but truly from my heart. May I appealed for you to introduce some pigeons for me which in the eyes of your mind?

Thank you very much for your kind attention

Yours Sincerely

此篇文章於 01-09-2006 03:57 PM 被 bluewave 編輯。