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舊 08-06-2006, 12:21 PM
tllee8622 tllee8622 目前離線
註冊日期: Mar 2006
文章: 539
tllee8622 正在向一條出名的路上前進,路途艱辛,看他的了!

作者: 0312

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舊 08-06-2006, 01:04 PM
tllee8622 tllee8622 目前離線
註冊日期: Mar 2006
文章: 539
tllee8622 正在向一條出名的路上前進,路途艱辛,看他的了!

To what do you attribute, Master Piet, your enormous popularity throughout the world of the pigeon fancy?

Perhaps it is because I know how to select pigeons successfully. People believe that I can "see into" them. It is nothing like that, of course, but I do have a good idea about certain things.

Where did you learn this?
Through practice and training.

Having written numerous articles and published five books, what were you in the end, Piet, a writer about pigeons or a selector?
First and foremost a selector. Writing was more of a hobby. If people liked to read my articles and my books, I put this down without doubt to my perfect knowledge of the pigeon. I predicted things which actually came about five years later. I told fanciers who had presented their pigeons to me that they would be finished in three years, but nobody believed me. The most important thing, as I have never ceased to stress, remains that an owner must be able to form worthwhile pairs of breeders, or else be doomed to failure. The first time he came to see me-this was over twenty years ago, and there were three of them-Raymund Hermes asked: "How long will it take me to become a champion?"
Always well informed, he suggested to me: "I should like to buy your three best pigeons, and nothing else." I pointed out to him that I needed them just as much as he did, and he added: "You could always get some to replace them." "It's not as simple as that," I said. I had just bought "Piet", a son of the well known breeding pair belonging to Karel Meulemans of Arendonk. This is how it happened. An American from San Francisco had come to see me to buy some pigeons. He did not have many dollars to spend. I took him to see Meulemans because I was interested in having a look at his birds. For five years Karel had bred some "stars" from his breeding pair. The American wanted to know which were the best, and when I told him that "Junior" and "Cadet" had the best prize lists he wanted to know if they were for sale. "Yes," replied Karel, "for 200,000 francs." He must have said to himself: "If Piet is bringing a Yank to see me it means that I can push my prices up." My American did not want to know, and objected that they were too expensive. I was not happy about this and I asked Karel if I could come back the next day.
I had had the opportunity of handling "Piet", and that had told me a great deal. When I went back at 11:00 a.m. the following day I saw the pigeons again. I put six of them into a basket and asked Karel: "How much per pigeon?" He could not know which ones I had my eye on. This was how I managed to buy two. "Piet" and one of his sisters. This hen was even better than "Piet", but unfortunately died a little later. I cannot remember how much I paid for them, but it was not a great deal. So that is how I acquired "Piet".
When I showed it to Hermes he immediately wanted to buy it, but I explained "This is my best pigeon and he is perhaps the only one I should be prepared to part with because I believe that his limit is around 400 or 500 km." "How can you tell that?", enquired Hermes. "I don't know, but I expect so." Hermes would very much have liked to acquire him, but I wanted to keep him. "I am quite prepared to give you the address of where he came from", I said, and did so. I had another pigeon with an injury to its chest, one from Jan Aarden, the 1,000 km champion. This pigeon was a nonentity. It only started to be heard of once I had sold it to Hermes. Hermes took a third pigeon from me, my "24". When I told him, "As far as I can tell, these are my three best pigeons," he replied: "Let us go and get something to eat first in Antwerp." So we did, and at eight o'clock that evening I handed over three pigeons to Hermes. "Piet" among them. I had warned Hermes that the Meulemans pigeon would cost him a new Mercedes 190. "No problem," he replied. "And are you prepared to spend that much, even without knowing me very well?" "I know you well enough, otherwise I should never have come to see you." We understood each other. There are people who will say: "What de Weerd did in Meulemans' loft, I could do just as well. All I need to do is to go there and buy a pigeon, and I should be sure that it is a good one." But it should not be forgotten that 80 percent of pigeons are worthless, no matter where you obtain them. And you must be very careful if you wish to form pairs with the other 20 percent. Fanciers who have learnt something about a pigeon, on paper, go off and buy it, thinking to themselves that they have picked a good one. If this turns out not to be the case, they accuse the person who sold them the bird. Those who do not have the slightest sense of feeling for a good pigeon happily buy a big, handsome one, believing that it will be their salvation. This is why we always come across so many big pigeons.
If, on the other hand, they have a good pigeon in their possession one day, they think that its tail is too long and its breastbone too short, although all good pigeons are built like that. It is the race basket that makes them that way. They do not like its appearance, so they pair it with a big, handsome bird. In this event, their failure arrives two years sooner. That's how the pigeon fancy is. That is why one sees so many big pigeons in the middle distance races, and why this class of race is on the way to destruction. In the end, all we shall have left are sprint and long-distance races. For long-distance races, you need different pigeons, what I should describe as "complete" pigeons. I should also add that for long distance racing you need "long distance drivers." The best pigeons in the world are "long distance drivers."

So you sold "Piet" to Hermes for a Mercedes?
Yes, for the price of a car like that. Hermes paid me 60,000 DM (1,200,000 Belgian francs), but not for "Piet" alone.

Anyone who sells pigeons for such a sum must be certain that they are good ones.
My friend, at that time my reputation was such that people took me for a "clairvoyant."

You must have been certain that he would be successful with the pigeon.
I suggested to Hermes that he should go to Meulemans as he had fifty similar birds. But Hermes is wise. He answered: "I know you. I want that pigeon, not another one." He was not far wrong. For him, buying three pigeons from me or a gem from a jeweler, it was six of one or half a dozen of the other.

And why did you believe that this pigeon was a good one?
That was the impression I had at the time. I had had the opportunity of examining some fifty pigeons in Meulemans' loft. When I sold "Piet" to Hermes it was six months old.

Can you let us know how you select, Piet? And please tell us, can this skill be learnt?
Yes, of course it can be learnt, but you need to train yourself in order to become accustomed to it. Anyone who wants to play billiards (well) must practice, mustn't he? Just the same as someone who wishes to play a musical instrument. When he was asked how he had gone about it, and how long it had taken before he was able to play the piano well, the great virtuoso Horowitz replied: "25,000 hours". Practice is an essential fundamental ingredient. I know, for example, that Blomdahl, the billiards champion, practiced day and night, in spite of all his talent, and it was probably his talent which forged his success.

So you also need a certain amount of talent?
Talent, yes, but also perseverance. To get there I had to persevere. Why do you think that I agreed to sort thousands of pigeons over Christmas, no matter whether it was freezing or snowing? Because that earned me five hundred florins, and I liked that idea.

How do you feel the muscles?
You would do better to ask a professional. A masseur who kneads and athlete's muscles is better placed than I am to reply to this question. I only know that a "stiff" pigeon cannot make a good one.

Can I get a pigeon for you to show us how?
Certainly. But how can I make you understand? If you were to show me a black cat and a white one I should always be able to say: "This is the black one and that's the white one." That is too easy. Let us take another example. Suppose you take a strip of wood, one end of which is black and the other white, and you divide it into a hundred segments, numbered from one to a hundred, with the central one being grey and numbered fifty. In order to train your eyesight, you are asked to pick a section of the strip by its color. You have to identify the corresponding number without, of course, being able to read it. Assume that you are shown the 47th segment. There is no question of your calling it the 44th or the 51st, although these are very close. You will be able to hit the right number after a few years of practice. In this we are just touching on the simplest aspect of the problem. You have to be able to detect differences with great accuracy. Any judgment is based on differences. It is impossible to make a selection without taking differences into account.

Does that mean that you cannot tell the number of a segment of the strip we are talking about until you have learnt from practice?
Precisely. With pigeons the problem is far more difficult, since there are so many strips to which you have to accustom yourself.

舊 08-06-2006, 03:52 PM
0312 0312 目前離線
註冊日期: Jun 2005
文章: 632
0312 正在向一條出名的路上前進,路途艱辛,看他的了!
預設 看煤油

到你歸於什麼,主人的 Piet,你的巨大名聲在鴿子的世界各處想?

因為我知道該如何成功地選擇鴿子,所以也許它是。 人們相信我能 " 檢視 " 他們。 它是沒有像那者,當然,但是我確實有關於特定的事物一個好想法。
結 束, Piet 中,你是作什麼的?
第一的和最初的一個選擇者。 寫作是更多一個嗜好。 如果人喜歡看我的文章和我的書,我毫無疑問地對我的鴿子的完美知識放下這。 我預測實際上大約五年之後來了的事物。 我告訴已經將他們的鴿子呈現給我他們將會在三年內被完成的愛好者,但是沒有人相信我。最重要的事物,當做我從未停止強調,保持一個擁有者一定要能夠形成養育者的值得花時間對,或
總是很好地告知,他跟我建議: "我想要買你的三隻最好的鴿子 , 和無其他事. " 我跟他指出我正如需要他們像他一樣的很多做,和他補述: "你總是可以得到一些替換他們. " "它是不像那一樣的簡單, " 我說。 我才買 " Piet", 廣為人知飼養的一個兒子雙屬於 Arendonk 的 Karel Meulemans。 這是它如何發生。 來自舊金山的一個美國人已經來見我買一些鴿子。 他沒有許多元 我已經有處理 " Piet" 的機會,而且那常常已經告訴我。 當我在我再一次見到鴿子的次日早上 11:00 回去了的時候。 我把他們中的六個放入一個籃子而且問 Karel: "多少每鴿子? " 他無法知道哪一個一些我有了我的眼睛在。之上 這是我如何設法買二。 " Piet" 和他的姊妹之一。 這一隻母雞是平坦的比 " Piet" 好, 但是不幸地稍後稍微死了。 我不能夠記得我為他們支付多少,但是它不是常常。 以便是當我顯示的時候它對赫米斯,他立刻想要買它,但是我解釋 "這是我最好的鴿子,而且他也許是我應該準備捨棄的唯一的一個因為我相信他的限制是大約 400 或 500 公里. " "你如何能告訴那? ",詢問了赫米斯。 "我不知道,但是我這麼期待. " 赫米斯將會非常已經喜歡獲得他,但是我想要保存他。 " 我相當被準備給你他來自的地方的住址 ", 我說,而且這麼做。 我用受傷有了另一隻鴿子 我告訴他的時候, "像我能告訴一樣遙遠地,這些是我的三隻最好的鴿子, " 他答覆: "讓我們去而且得到東西在安特衛普吃第一. " 因此我們做,而且那天晚上在八點鐘我將三隻鴿子移交給赫米斯了。 在他們之中的 " Piet"。 我已經警告赫米斯 Meulemans 鴿子將會花費他新的賓士汽車 190 。 "沒有問題, " 他答覆。 "而且是你準備花費那麼多,甚至沒有把我知道得很好? " ”我認識你好的充足,否則我應該從不已經來見你。 百分比的鴿子是無價值的,沒有事件在哪裡你獲得他們。 而且如果你想要用另一個 20% 形成雙,你一定要非常小心。已經學習關於一隻鴿子的某事的愛好者,在紙上,爆炸而且買它,對他們自己想他們已經挑選一個好的。 如果這變得不是情形,他們責備賣了了他們鳥的人。 快樂地摸索一隻好鴿子沒有最微小感覺的人們買大,英俊的,相信它將是 如果,另一方面,他們有他們的所有物的一隻好鴿子一天,他們認為,它的尾部太長和它的胸骨太短,雖然所有的好鴿子被建造同類那。 它是那樣製造他們的比賽籃子。 他們不喜歡它的外表,因此,他們使它和一隻大又英俊的鳥成對。 在這一個事件中,他們的失敗到達二年搶先佔有土地之人。 那是鴿子想像力是如何。 那是一為什麼在中央的距離比賽中見到這麼多大的鴿子,和為什麼比賽 i 的這一個班級
因此你為賓士汽車賣了 " Piet" 給赫米斯?

是的,以一輛像那的汽車的價格。 赫米斯支付了了我 60,000 DM(1,200,000 比利時法郎), 但是不對於 " Piet" 孤獨的
我跟赫米斯建議當他有了五十隻相似的鳥時候,他應該去 Meulemans 。 但是赫米斯是明智的。 他回答: ”我認識你。 我想要那一隻鴿子,不另外一一。”他不是遠的錯誤。 就他而言,買來自一個珠寶商的來自我或一個珠寶的三隻鴿子,它是一中的六或 1/2 數十個的另一個。
那是我在那時有的印象。 我已經有在 Meulemans' 頂樓檢查約五十隻鴿子的機會。 當我賣了 " Piet" 給赫米斯的時候,它是六個月之久。
你能讓我們知道你如何選擇, Piet 嗎? 而且請告訴我們,這一技術能被學習嗎?
是的,當然,它能被學習,但是你需要訓練你自己為了要對它變成習慣了。 任何一個想要玩撞球 (好的)的人一定要練習, mustn't 他? 僅僅相同於某人誰想要玩一個樂器。當他被問他如何已經處理它,而且在他能夠把鋼琴彈得很好之前,它已經拿多久的時候,答覆的很棒的美術通 Horowitz: "25,000 小時 ". 練習是一種必要的基本成分。 我舉例來說知道那一 Blomdahl,撞球
才能,是的,但是也毅力。 到那裏我必須堅持。 你為什麼認為我同意分類在聖誕節上的數以千計鴿子,沒有事件是否它是冰凍的或下雪水於? 因為那賺了我五百個弗羅林,而且我喜歡那一個想法。
你將會做得更好問一個專業人士。 一個揉的按摩師和運動員的肌肉比較被放置超過我將答覆這一個疑問。 我只知道 " 僵硬 " 鴿子不能夠製造一個好的。
無疑地。 但是我能如何使你了解? 如果你將顯示我一隻黑色的貓和一個白色的我應該總是能夠說: "這是一個黑色的,而且那是一個白色的. " 那太容易。 讓我們舉另一個例子。 假如你拿木材的長條,哪一個是黑色的和另一個白色的一端,而且你把它分為百個片段,總計從一到一百,藉由灰色的一個中央的和五十號。 為了要訓練你的視力,你被要求挑選部分 o
那意指你在你已經從練習學習之前, 不能夠告訴我們正在談論的長條的一個片段的數字嗎?
精確地。 與鴿子在一起,問題更困難,因為有你必須使你自己習慣的這麼多長條到。

後進です。材料の粗の文の浅い文章の中で .とても知ります。教えると待ち望みますか?

舊 08-07-2006, 11:20 PM
linfuin3 linfuin3 目前離線
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 1,643
linfuin3 正在向一條出名的路上前進,路途艱辛,看他的了!

作者: 0312


1--種鴿一星期吃2~3次.(?lt;/p>   2--小賽鴿20~25天看眼睛決定插花.看有嗎?如何看?

以上胡說請 ..假裝沒有好鴿子的0312...隨意看看就好....

日 上 鴿 舍

此篇文章於 08-07-2006 11:25 PM 被 linfuin3 編輯。
舊 08-08-2006, 12:36 AM
0312 0312 目前離線
註冊日期: Jun 2005
文章: 632
0312 正在向一條出名的路上前進,路途艱辛,看他的了!


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