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Dear pigeon friend,
The international Barcelona Winner 2003 is Fauche Brothers, like you know. The last weeks however, there was a lot of gossip about possible cheating of the Fauche Brothers. Well I can definitely say, that until now there is nothing officially confirmed! We are in touch with the organisation and they declarded us that there is an investigation. 事過月餘,能查出什麼?富希兄弟也賣不少鴿子到台灣 |
回覆: 巴塞隆納國際賽也可能作弊嗎?
在台灣每次比賽完,都會耳聞某某人作弊,尤其是在惡劣天候下所結束的比賽,或有真實者,或有忌妒造謠者,簡直不勝枚舉,但一切還都應以『證據』來說話,否則只會讓人有『輸不起』的感覺。 不過,在台灣這種短距離賽,都能以AB櫥作弊了,而且還不容易捉到作弊者,在利之所趨下(能贏個國際冠軍,整個家族跟著水漲船高),巴塞隆納這種長距離賽要作弊,就顯得更容易了,更何況歐洲之前不是也有『拜舍林』兄弟被捉到過嗎? |
回覆: 巴塞隆納國際賽也可能作弊嗎?
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